I did not watch Gravity on a big screen with surround sound. I watched it yesterday inflight between Newark and Chicago on the small headrest screen with a lot of plane noise. I probably missed many details of the effects and music score but in another regard I think I had a closer experience: between 5.5 -7.5 miles up in the air for a movie that was supposed to take place 372 miles above Earth.
Gravity was a perfect inflight movie, especially for the EWR to ORD flight that was slightly longer than the length of the film: Sandra Bullock was safe on Earth before we touched down on the wintry runway. The suspense of the film was definitely heightened being up in the air and the pilot's interjections, which overrode the film seemed fitting.
Although I love sci-fi movies, I have recently been disappointed with ones that were not made so well. This was well-crafted, and Bullock, who I usually stay away from with a ten-foot pole was excellent and made the film.